Parenting Issues
Parenting issues arise as soon as a child is born. The Parent’s life views and perceptions may not be aligned when it comes to raising children. Disagreements can arise over anything: the appropriate amount of time a child should be allowed to use digital devices, food choices, eating habits, vaccinations, appropriate school, medical professionals, babysitters, the list goes on and on.
Parenting Plans are utilized in Florida to set out a plan for: how the parties are to make major decisions regarding the child’s health, education, and general welfare; how the parties will share time with the children; and to resolve parenting issues or to avoid future parenting issues. Parenting Plans must either be established by the agreement of the parties or upon determination by the court of what is in the best interest of the child consistent with statutory factors.
Establishing a Parenting Plan that addresses known and anticipated issues with regard to how the children will be raised is critical to the safety and security of the child and a road map to successful co-parenting.
If you would like assistance in seeking, establishing, mediating, drafting, or presenting at trial your plan schedule your free phone consultation today.
Call: 954-727-6213