Post Nuptial Agreement
A post nuptial agreement in florida is a contract between the parties entered into after the parties are married to address how to treat some or all of their individual and joint assets, liabilities and/or income. There are any number of reasons to consider entering into a post nuptial agreement. If the agreement addresses equitable distribution of all assets and liabilities as well as how spousal support is to be handled in the event of dissolution then the post nuptial agreement may be the Marital Settlement Agreement that can be utilized to obtain an amicable uncontested dissolution in the event one of the partners decides to end the marriage.
If you and your partner are interested in entering into an agreement determining how real and personal property will be distributed and liabilities allocated in the event of dissolution and/or how spousal support will be addressed mediation is a good way to discuss each parties position and desires and through active listening and some compromise perhaps an agreement can be reached that can allow you to focus on either addressing and resolving issues in the marriage or dissolving the marriage in an amicable and cost effective fashion.
Schedule your mediation today:
Call: 954-727-6213