Pre-Nuptial Agreement

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Pre-Nuptial Agreement

Making the decision to get married to someone is exciting and scary at the same time.  Marriage is challenging and takes work but the better aligned the parties are prior to entering into the union the better chance the relationship has to thrive and survive the challenges that life throws at us.

Finances are a large part of a marriage and honest discussions with your prospective spouse prior to entering into the marriage is important.  Have you shared with each other how much you earn?  Have you talked about how much money you have saved for emergencies, for retirement or to buy a house?  Have you disclosed to one another what outstanding debts each of you have?  Have you talked about each of your individual career goals and whether you will both continue to work if and when you decide to add children to your family?

The best time to discuss your relationship with money and your financial goals with the person you want to spend your life with is before you make that commitment.  While you are both happy and things are good.  If it is not your first marriage or if you have accumulated assets or amassed liabilities it is important to discuss how what is brought into the marriage and what is accumulated during the marriage will be distributed if the marriage does not work out.  A prenuptial agreement in the event that a dissolution becomes inevitable can save you a lot of money and heartache.

Florida Statute Title VI. Civil Practice and Procedure, § 61.079. entitled “Premarital agreements” sets forth the requirements for a valid prenuptial agreement in Florida.   The agreement must be in writing and signed by both parties.  The only consideration needed is the marriage of the parties.  Full financial disclosure by each party is essential to ensure that the agreement is being entered into knowingly and without fraud or undue influence.

If  you would like to schedule mediation to sit down with your prospective spouse and work out a prenuptial agreement so that you can put to rest concerns regarding the handling of finances,

Schedule your mediation today:

Call:      954-727-6213


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1615 S. Congress Ave, Suite 103, Delray Beach, FL, 33445, US