Pre Nuptial Agreements

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Pre Nuptial Agreements

Pre Nuptial Agreements

If you are thinking about getting married and either you or your spouse have assets that you want to ensure remain your separate property in the event the marriage does not work out, you should consider entering into a pre-nuptial agreement with your intended spouse.  Planning a marriage and a life together is a happy time for most couples.  Taking the time to sit down and discuss each other’s financial circumstances and how finances will be handled during the marriage may not be fun but it is an important first step in making sure that your financial outlook, expectations and budget are aligned so as to avoid misconceptions and marital discord.

The Uniform Premarital Agreement Act defines a premarital agreement as an agreement between prospective spouses made In contemplation of marriage and effective upon marriage.  The statute requires that a pre nuptial agreement be in writing and signed by both parties following full and complete disclosure by each of the parties of all of the assets they own and all of the liabilities they have as they anticipate going into the marriage.  The parties can limit spousal support obligations, address property rights of existing and future property, obligations, and the disposition of property upon separation, marital dissolution, or death.

If you want a premarital agreement, schedule your free phone consultation today.

Call:      954-727-6213


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1615 S. Congress Ave, Suite 103, Delray Beach, FL, 33445, US